Did you know that the air pollution inside your home can significantly exceed the levels outside? A 2004 study discovered over 300 toxins present in indoor air, contributing to an air pollution condition that could induce symptoms ranging from dizziness to throat irritation. Fortunately, manageable changes around your home, such as introducing indoor plants or ventilating spaces, can mitigate these pollution levels. With Americans spending increasing amounts of time indoors, improving indoor air quality has become more crucial than ever.
Regardless of whether you're dealing with a constrained space, minimal sunlight, or a limited budget, the right plants can still enhance your indoor air quality. As you choose the perfect plant, consider the following factors:
- The amount of time you're willing to dedicate to plant care
- The sunlight exposure your space receives
- The potential for outdoor relocation if the plant overgrows
- The available space you have for plants
- Budget allocation for additional gardening supplies such as soil, pots, gloves, etc.
Optimizing Small Spaces with Plants
Mastering plant ownership in compact spaces calls for creative solutions. Lack of shelf space? Opt for hanging plants. Tight floor areas can be maneuvered with plants placed on open windowsills. Remember, a gigantic palm tree is not mandatory in your living space. Slow-growing plants such as succulents might be the perfect fit. According to Matt Kostelnick, a Senior Horticulturist at Ambius, the following plants tolerate low light and humidity and are less prone to pests or excessive growth:
- Aglaonema
- Aspidistra: A perfect choice for frequent travelers due to its minimal water needs
- Succulents: Slow-growing, yet require bright light
- Dracaenas
- Philodendrons
- Hedera Helix
- Devil's Ivy
However, bear in mind that even indoor plants require some attention. For plant care novices, ensure the potting soil stays moist, the plant pot has drainage holes (and a tray for excess water), and learn about your plant's specific needs for optimal care.
Plants that Boost Indoor Air Quality
Beyond their aesthetic appeal, indoor plants can help minimize the harmful toxins that accumulate over time in your home. Some common indoor air pollutants include:
- Trichloroethylene: Causes dizziness, headaches, nausea, and vomiting
- Formaldehyde: Causes nose, mouth, and throat irritation and in severe cases, can lead to larynx and lung swelling
- Benzene: Causes eye irritation, dizziness, headaches, confusion
- Xylene: Causes mouth and throat irritation, heart problems, headaches
So, which plants can assist in purifying your indoor air from these toxins? Weeping Figs, Bamboo Palms, and English Ivy are a few low-maintenance options that serve this purpose effectively.
Edible Plants That Start Indoors
Are you familiar with your plant hardiness zone? According to the USDA, there are 11 distinct planting zones based on outdoor planting conditions. If you've been considering a small garden but lack suitable outdoor space, or are keen on growing food primarily indoors, several options are available. Many common vegetables can be started indoors and seamlessly moved outdoors later if space permits. For those residing in apartments or compact spaces, innovative solutions like window boxes for indoor plants and balcony boxes for outdoor ones might be your best bet. The advantage of primarily indoor gardening is year-round growth. The following edibles are suitable for indoor growth:
- Lettuce Greens
- Carrots
- Kale
- Microgreens
- Tomatoes
- Ginger
- Arugula
Apart from these, you can research additional plants that can transition from indoor to outdoor spaces in your specific location.
Are you envisioning an expansive outdoor garden of your own? Let us assist you. Reach out to us today for more information about homeownership opportunities with CrossCountry Mortgage.

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