Protect Your Home from Rainwater Damage: Essential Tips and Tricks
Safeguard your home from rainwater damage with these expert tips

How Can I Safeguard My Home from Rainwater Damage?

Did you know that water damage costs U.S. homeowners billions of dollars annually? Researchers estimate that at least 14,000 people experience home water emergencies on any given day. Neglecting rainwater damage could compromise the structural integrity of your home, so it is crucial to proactively protect yourself. If you've been wondering, "How do I prevent rainwater from entering my house?" Here are the most effective measures, including insights from Crosscountry Mortgage, to keep rainwater outside where it belongs.

Clear Debris from Your Gutters

If your rain gutters accumulate leaves, pine needles, or other debris, water can be directed down your exterior walls, causing damage to your home's interior. Regularly cleaning your gutters is an essential step to prevent rainwater damage. Depending on the foliage surrounding your property, it is advisable to clean them multiple times a year, either by yourself or with the help of a licensed professional.

Remove Outdoor Debris

During late winter, spring, and fall, it is important to regularly sweep outdoor surfaces, including patios and door wells. This practice prevents debris buildup and clogging of exterior drains. Trimming back foliage around your foundation is also recommended, as trees and other plants can obstruct airflow and create moisture issues that foster mold growth.

Maintain Your Roof

Proper roof maintenance is key to preventing rainwater damage over the years. While regular maintenance should suffice, factors such as climate, weather conditions, and surrounding foliage may cause damage. Even a small tear in a rubber membrane or a compromise in the plywood structure can have disastrous consequences for your home's interior. To ensure longevity, it is advisable to have a professional roofer inspect your roof every few years.

Seal Windows and Doors

Windows and doors are common entry points for water leaks. If not properly sealed, small openings can allow moisture to seep in around the frames. Most modern windows are equipped with wells and drains designed to direct water away from the house, but it is important to ensure that weather-stripping and seals are in good condition for older windows and doors. Seal cracks between the frame and the house using foam sealant and apply caulk where needed.

Utilize a Rain Barrel

Did you know that an average-sized roof collects up to 600 gallons of water for every inch of rainfall? Rain barrels, ranging from 30 to 100 gallons in size and made of plastic or wood, offer an effective solution to control rainwater around your house while also contributing to the preservation of freshwater resources.

Install a Divert Downspout

Improperly angled gutters can cause water to pool at the base of your home, posing a threat to its structural integrity. Installing a divert downspout helps carry water away from the house, preventing it from seeping in. You can find a black, plastic corrugated hose designed for this purpose at most local hardware stores.

Create a Swale Ditch

While waterproofing measures are essential, they may not always be sufficient to keep water out of your home. Swales, which redirect or slow down rainwater runoff, serve as channels to direct water in a specific direction. Typically situated at the lowest point of a property's landscape, swales can be built to redirect water from a downspout to a rain garden or wooded area where water can be absorbed.

Increase the Size of Exterior Drains

By increasing the size of your drains, you can minimize the risk of clogging and subsequent flooding. Larger drains lead to reduced pooling, mold, and water damage on your property. Digging for drainage improvements can be challenging, so enlisting the help of friends and family is advisable, if possible.

Improve Your Grading

Incorrect grading can result in foundation damage and costly repairs. Rectify the issue by adding or removing earth to create a slope that drains water away from the house. Landscaping can be instrumental in achieving the desired slope by incorporating topsoil, plants, or grass.

Install an Exterior French Drain

French drains disperse water over a wide area through a buried pipe surrounded by a draining material like gravel. For homes situated on slopes, this drain serves as an ideal solution to divert surface water away from the house, effectively preventing water damage. Always remember to consult local authorities to identify the location of underground utilities before undertaking any digging.

Install a Sump Pump

Sump pumps are designed to collect and remove water from beneath your home, channeling it away through a discharge pipe. When the water table rises, particularly during the rainy season, the pump activates and drains excess water from your home. Regularly servicing the pump, promptly addressing any issues with the help of professionals, and preventing dirt and debris from entering the sump pit are crucial steps to maintain its effectiveness. Rainwater damage poses a significant challenge for homeowners, regardless of their location. Thankfully, by implementing these straightforward measures, you can save money and protect your valuable investment. Don't let rainwater, or any aspect of homeownership, catch you off guard. Connect with one of our expert Mortgage Advisors today, or visit our blog for more valuable tips and advice.

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