Thriving Productively in the Age of Social Distancing
Turn isolation into inspiration: strategies for thriving amidst social distancing.

In our collective effort to "flatten the curve" and stave off the rapid proliferation of COVID-19, especially amongst vulnerable populations, the practice of social distancing has become an indispensable safeguard. For many, this also translates into a new reality: remote work. If you initially welcomed this as a comfortable escape in your loungewear but now find yourself asking, "When will this phase conclude?", rest assured, you're not alone. The journey from one room to another might seem monotonous, but remember there exist numerous strategies to keep yourself productive and spirited as we await better circumstances.

Maintain a Consistent Routine

If your regular wake-up time is 6 a.m., persist with it. Amidst these unpredictable times, adhering to a routine can be a comforting anchor, fostering a sense of normalcy and preventing the emergence of undesired habits that you'll need to eliminate when it's time to resume your typical schedule.

Ensure a Tidy Workspace

The abrupt transition to a work-from-home setup might have blurred the lines between professional and personal spaces. When dishes start to stack up or the laundry hamper overflows, you might be drawn towards domestic chores rather than your professional tasks. Make a conscious effort to declutter your workspace at the beginning of each workday.

Keep Active

The level of physical activity inherent in even a desk job might surprise you. Routine actions such as visiting the restroom, conversing by the water cooler, or heading to the lunchroom contribute to this. If restlessness is creeping in, stretch or stand. Incorporate regular activity into your day, such as a brief stroll to the mailbox or getting up from your desk every hour.

Nurture Connections

Staying accountable is critical. If your productivity wanes due to the absence of anyone to hold you accountable, identify an accountability partner. This could be a friend who ensures you incorporate meditation, exercise, or just simple breathing exercises into your day. Or a colleague who reminds you of impending deadlines. No matter the circumstances, don't let physical isolation disconnect you from others. This can be especially helpful for extroverts who require additional interaction or support during this period.

Embrace the Outdoors

Social distancing doesn't imply confinement indoors. While it's advisable to limit social gatherings, evade public spaces, and prioritize hand hygiene, the great outdoors remains accessible. Indulge in a walk, cycle, or even enjoy some time by a lake or beach as the climate turns favorable. The fresh air can lift your spirits, and regular exercise promotes both physical and mental wellbeing.

Wondering how the pandemic could affect more than just your work schedule? Reach out to a Mortgage Advisor at CrossCountry Mortgage today. They are ready to address any questions you might have about managing your mortgage amidst the pandemic.

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