As we usher in the new year of 2023, we want to celebrate the upcoming National Cut Energy Cost Day on January 10 by sharing effective tips to boost your home's energy efficiency this winter. A mindful review of your home practices can pave the way for considerable energy savings. For instance, a simple switch from traditional incandescent bulbs to energy-saving ones could potentially reduce your annual electricity bill by an average of $240.
Moderate Your Thermostat Settings
There's no reason to maintain a heated home while you're out. suggests that by reducing your thermostat by 10 to 15 degrees during your work hours, you could save between 5 and 15 percent on your energy bills annually.
Opt for Cool Water for Laundry reported that 90% of a washing machine's energy goes into heating the water, with only 10% used to operate the machine. Consequently, using cool water to wash clothes can lead to significant energy savings.
Regularly Defrost Your Freezer and Refrigerator
Ice can accumulate within these appliances, reaching thicknesses up to 1/4 of an inch. To keep them working efficiently, ensure they are unplugged and defrosted before the ice gets this thick.
Disconnect Idle Chargers
The average charger draws 0.26 watts of energy when idle and 2.24 watts when charging a phone. Unplugging unused chargers in your home can help conserve energy over time. It's also unnecessary to leave your phone charging overnight as most smartphones only need a few hours to fully charge.
Operate Appliances During Off-Peak Hours
Peak energy usage usually occurs between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. on weekdays. Running your appliances such as your dryer or dishwasher later at night or during the weekends can save both energy and money.
Switch Off Unused Lights
Turning off lights in unoccupied rooms can lead to significant savings. Lighting accounts for about 12 percent of household energy usage.
Inspect for Air Leaks
Air leaks, particularly common in garages where doors and windows are often not well-sealed, can lead to substantial heat loss in winter. Installing a door sweep between the door and the threshold can help mitigate this. Consider weather stripping or replacing outdated windows with more energy-efficient alternatives for additional savings.
Transition to Paperless Billing
Switching to online bill payments is an easy way to reduce paper waste. Most energy providers offer online payment portals for a seamless, eco-friendly experience.
Power Down Your Computer
Shutting off your computer and accessories such as printers and fax machines when not in use helps save energy. Some tech experts even suggest using laptops instead of desktop computers as they use up to 80% less electricity.
Update Your Furnace
A pre-1992 furnace could waste about 35 percent of its fuel, according to Green Home Guide. An upgrade to a condensing furnace with an annual efficiency of at least 90 percent could reduce waste and save up to 27 percent on your heating bill.
Ready to transition to a more energy-efficient home? Contact a Mortgage Advisor at CrossCountry Mortgage today to learn more about your options.
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